Thursday, 19 November 2009


These are some of the question's we asked people in order to gain feedback about our teaser trailer idea:

1) What motivates you most to go and see a film?
- The actors
- The director
- Teaser trailer
- Website reviews
- Big advertising campaign
- Friend's opinions
- Other

2) How long do you think a teaser trailer should be?

- Under 30 secs

- 30 - 60 secs

- Over a minute

3) Would you be interested in going to see a thriller film?

- Yes
- No

4) In a teaser trailer, how much of the storyline do you think should be given away?

- Not much, remain a mystery
- A few snippets
- Most of the storyline
- All of the storyline

5) Which of these do you think a teaser trailer for a thriller film should focus most on?

- Background music
- Voice-over
- Speech from characters
- All

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